Online and Distance Learning Certificate Course in HIV & AIDS

Start Date: 2nd Week of every Month

HIV/AIDs Course

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic diseases and life threatening that is cause by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV damages the immune system. This interferes with the body’s ability to find the organisms that causes diseases.  HIV/AIDs is a global disaster which is affecting everybody irrespective of their socio-economic status both in the urban and rural areas alike. 

The aim of this course
The main aim of this Training is to create awareness and empower the participant on HIV/AIDs impact, management and support systems. It will also enable individual and collective action towards prevention of HIV infection through behavioural change, care and support for those who are infected and affected.
Course Content
•    Meaning and Current Status of HIV/AIDS
•    Family Life education & HIV/AIDS
•    Adolescence and HIV/AIDS
•    Deviant behavior, HIV/AIDS and Alcohol and Drug Abuse
•    Impact of HIV/AIDS
•    Management of HIV/AIDS

Course outcome
By the end of training the learners will learn how to:
•    Explain the meaning of HIV/AIDS and their relationship
•    Explain the origin and classification of HIV/AIDs
•    Explain the relationship between HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
•    Identify Factors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS
•    Define terms family sexuality, family life education
•    Explain the effects of HIV/AIDS on the family
•    Define the terms adolescent, youth and teenage, sexuality
•    Identify stages of growth
•    Identify problems associated with adolescent period
•    Describe drug use and addiction
•    Explain how deviant behavior is learned

 The course is designed for development professional, social workers, health workers, administration personnel, Human Resource Managers, religious leaders ,Peer Educators and Counselors ,

Course Organizers

Intex Management Institute was registered in 1983. We have been offering a wide range of Human Resource Management training programs both online and open workshops, building capacity to enhance effective service delivery for NGOs, CBOs, Public and Private sector.

Currently we are training participants from various organizations such as UNDP – Burundi, World Food Programme – Zimbabwe, Red Cross – South Sudan, State Ministry of Education – South Sudan, MEDAIR – South Sudan, Norwegian Refugee – Liberia, Zenab for Women Development - Sudan, Action AID, Word Health Organization, AMREF, USAID, National AIDs Control Council, International Committee of the Red Cross among others.

Training Methodology:
  • All training materials will be availed through online or distance learning
  • Your commitment time: 5 – 6 hours per week
  • Learn at your own time schedule
  • You will receive weekly feedback from our committed instructors
  • You are expected to submit by-weekly assignments electronically
  • At the end of the course you will be issued with a certificate

Other Requirements

  • You will be required to use email, upload and download documents in word, power point or PDF format
  • Send assignments by email
  • Course materials, Exercises and templates will be provided.

Course Exercises
Students are required to test their own learning by completing exercises and tasks for each unit of the course.

Course Assignments
Students will be required to submit four assignments to demonstrate their understanding of the course content.

Course Duration      :           8 weeks (2 months)
Target Region           :           Global
Course Fee                :           USD 40
Language                  :           English